Harriet Bicksler – Writer and Editor


Freelance Writing and Editing

Harriet Bicksler

Founder, writer, editor of Shalom!
Editor, Brethren in Christ Historical Journal


Harriet Bicksler is a freelance writer and editor. She has written for a variety of publications, founded a successful multi-year periodical called Shalom, and edited numerous publications. She is currently the editor of the Brethren in Christ Historical Journal, which is published three times per year by the Brethren in Christ Historical Society.


Mrs. Bicksler was born in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and lived the first 15 years of her early life in Africa. She lived a portion of that time in newly-independent Zambia, where her parents were missionaries at Sikalongo Mission Station. As a result, she continues to have an abiding affection for Zambia and for African culture and concerns.


Guest Appearances at ZACU

o   June 23, 2020 – Writing and Editing


Related Links

o   Shalom!

>      Reaffirming Women in Ministry


o   Brethren in Christ Historical Society

o   Brethren in Christ History and Life
